Monday, February 16, 2009

Concerns About Teaching

I must admit that I am slightly concerned when I think about teaching about media and technology in the classroom. More so for technology though, because I am not confident when I use certain technologies. I do not feel as though I know enough about different technologies to properly teach about their function and use. I am also afraid of mishaps such as the one I read about previously about the substitute teacher who was convicted when a number of pornographic pop-ups appeared on the classroom computer. This was an incident that was not a result of any action that she performed, nor was it something that she had any control over, yet she faced very serious concequences. I know that I would not have known what to do either and I would have ended up in the exact same position. I just find tyhat there is not much reference or support for teachers in this area, so I find the idea intimidating. I do hope that I will overcome these feelings eventually and confidently teach about technology in my class, but it is a work in progress.

1 comment:

  1. A struggle we teachers often encounter is between teaching technology and using technology to teach. It is not always obvious. But having a goal in mind may help you overcome certain fear you might have. Keep writing. You may also write things we discuss in class as well.
